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Keemun 3 Monkey

Keemun 3 Monkey is noted for its excellent value and deep rich flavor.
This tea has a complex and subtle flavor that is aromatic and penetrating without being floral. Milk highlights the bright reddish cup.

The Chinese say that the bouquet of 3 Monkey is like the perfume of an orchid and the less poetic will say that it is like toast hot from the oven. It has been suggested that the reason 3 Monkey is a classic English breakfast tea is that its fragrance is brought out by the addition of milk.

In any event the thick reddish liquor from the fine, tightly rolled leaves of this superb tea have a deep, rich concentrated flavor, reminiscent of the fine qualities of Burgundy wine. Keemun is the best-keeping of China black teas and will keep for years and if well stored take on a mellow winy character.
Keemun 3 Monkey- Two Ounce
Keemun 3 Monkey- Two Ounce

Keemun 3 Monkey- Four Ounce
Keemun 3 Monkey- Four Ounce

Keemun 3 Monkey- Eight Ounce
Keemun 3 Monkey- Eight Ounce

Keemun 3 Monkey- One Pound
Keemun 3 Monkey- One Pound

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