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Mint Green Tea

A refreshing and cool mint flavor on green tea. A worthwhile and heady combination.

The manufacture of this Hyson green tea commences with the fresh leaf being fed onto the Panner whose primary function (through the use of heat) is to arrest the fermentation of the leaf and make it more suitable for the subsequent manufacturing (leaf handling). The leaf extracted from the Panner is passed onto the Moon Type Rollers for a 20 to 25 minute pre-condition rolling. On completion of rolling, the leaf is passed through a primary stage tea drier at low temperature to remove the excess moisture. Following the primary drier stage, the green leaf is fed into the Ball Tea Driers for the final drying and formation of the green tea. This process is long, often taking up to eight to twelve hours depending upon the ambient humidity. The dried green tea is then graded according to the size and the appearance of the leaf.

This green tea is flavor with natural peppermint oils. Peppermint is an herb that contains no caffeine. Quite often peppermint is consumed after meals as the oils stimulate the flow of bile to the stomach and helps relieve gas pains. Additionally, it has been reported and written that peppermint sweetens the breath and calms the digestive system, plus it helps heartburn, stomach ache and nausea. Peppermint is believed to be a hybrid species that evolved from spearmint and water mint. However, peppermint has been around so long its genealogy is obscure. Peppermint is a primary ingredient in remedies used in the relief of gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, and local aches and pains. As a hot tea this drink is cool and refreshing, as an iced tea the menthol content produces a pleasantly chilling taste sensation.
Mint Green Two Ounce
Mint Green Two Ounce

Mint Green Four Ounce
Mint Green Four Ounce

Mint Green Eight Ounce
Mint Green Eight Ounce

Mint Green One Pound
Mint Green One Pound

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